Can You Burn Plastic?

Can You Burn Plastic?

Plastic is possibly the most pervasive waste product that has existed on the planet. With over three hundred million tons of plastic being produced yearly, it is an undeniably large part of our everyday lives. Despite plastic being initially assumed to be inert and harmless, many years of plastic disposal has led to diverse environmental…

Plastic By The Numbers: Which Plastic Numbers are Recyclable and Which Aren’t?
Plastics | Recycling

Plastic By The Numbers: Which Plastic Numbers are Recyclable and Which Aren’t?

It’s no secret, the increased use of plastic in humanity’s daily routines is creating significant threats to the world. Environmentalists, policy-makers, and governments raise awareness for plastic waste as it’s often disposed of in non environmentally-friendly ways. Which in turn results in polluting the landfill sites or oceans where they remain for years. Plastic recycling…

Why is Single-Use Plastic Bad for the Environment?

Why is Single-Use Plastic Bad for the Environment?

Well, the answer isn’t too terribly different from why plastic in general is bad for the environment. Like most other plastics, single-use plastic is bad for the environment for a number of reasons, including being toxic to any species that accidentally consumes it, frequently ending up in the ocean which leads to the destruction of…

Why Do We Need Plastic?

Why Do We Need Plastic?

Plastic materials have permeated every aspect of modern-day life. Just go through your house. Window blinds, appliances, computer cases, CD’s/DVD’s, food containers, trash bags, water and sewer supply lines, furniture parts, vinyl floor coverings, printers, tablets, smart speakers, TVs, outlet covers, disposable dishes… The list goes on and on. Plastic is used almost everywhere is…